Sunday, October 6, 2013

101 Fun Romantic Date Ideas & First Date Ideas

  1. A date at your favorite coffee shop
  2. A date at the local park
  3. A romantic picnic date
  4. A date to a baseball game
  5. A romantic afternoon walk together
  6. A date to fly a kite together
  7. A date at the beach on a sunny day
  8. A putt-putt golf date
  9. A horseback riding date
  10. A canoing date
  11. A date to a soccer game
  12. A romantic camping trip date
  13. A date to a classic car show
  14. A date to the local spa to pamper each other
  15. A date to the local zoo
  16. A date running a marathon or jogging together
  17. A date at a high-class cocktail lounge or restaurant
  18. A date to test-drive new cars together
  19. A date to a volleyball game
  20. A date to learn to para-sail together
  21. A date cooking a romantic meal together
  22. A date to meet each other’s family members
  23. A date at the local museum
  24. A date to the county fair
  25. A birdwatching date
  26. A date to pick fruit together at a local orchard
  27. A date to take your kids, nieces or nephews to the park
  28. A roller-blading or rollerskating date
  29. A date to a football game
  30. A date to tour new homes together
  31. A date to learn to scuba dive together
  32. A date to carve pumpkins together for Halloween
  33. A date to the local flea market
  34. A date to ride a romantic ferris wheel together
  35. A date to look at flowers at the local greenhouse
  36. A date to watch a romantic DVD or video together at home
  37. A date to go on a hiking trip together
  38. A date to play a round at the local golf course
  39. A romantic dinner date at a four-star restaurant
  40. A whitewater rafting date
  41. A date to window shop at a nice shopping center
  42. A date to go fishing together
  43. A date to a basketball game
  44. A date to a local art gallery
  45. A date to color eggs together for Easter
  46. A romantic tour of local historic places
  47. A date to build a snowman together
  48. A date at the first place you ever went out together
  49. A date to a local air-show
  50. A rock-climbing date
  51. A date at the local mall arcade to play games together
  52. A date to buy ice-cream on a hot day
  53. A date to go to your local comedy club for some laughs
  54. A date to pick wildflowers together
  55. A date to tour local college campuses
  56. A date to a hockey game
  57. A date to an aquarium
  58. A date to go boating together on a nice, clear day
  59. A date to learn surfing together at the beach
  60. A date to a play or a live stage show
  61. The classic “dinner and a movie” date
  62. A romantic afternoon sharing old pictures from your childhood
  63. A date to the planetarium or science center
  64. A date to a carnival
  65. An afternoon sightseeing drive on a nice day
  66. A date to a batting cage
  67. A romantic ride in a horse-drawn carriage
  68. A date to your local bookstore
  69. A date to the pet store to pick out a pet together
  70. A date to a boxing match
  71. A date to the gym to exercise together
  72. A date to a karaoke bar for some singing
  73. A date to build a sandcastle together at the beach
  74. A date to wash your cars together
  75. A date to the horse-racing track
  76. A date to your local pool or swimming hole
  77. A go-cart riding date
  78. A date to a romantic movie
  79. A date to go shopping for new clothes together
  80. A date to a downtown nightclub or dance club
  81. A date to walk your dogs together
  82. A date to a stock car race
  83. A date to go target shooting or a shooting range together
  84. A date to read to each other at the park on a nice day
  85. An overnight date at a nearby bed-and-breakfast
  86. A date to a local antique shop
  87. A romantic sledding date on a snowy day
  88. A date to a wishing well to make wishes together
  89. A date to a wrestling match
  90. A date to a local winery
  91. A date to go bungee jumping together
  92. A date to a friend or family member’s wedding
  93. A date to local garage sales to go treasure hunting
  94. A hunting date
  95. A date to go skydiving together
  96. A date to listen to the symphony together
  97. A romantic hot air balloon ride
  98. A date to play Frisbee together at the park
  99. A date to a local amusement park to ride roller coasters
  100. A date to a rock concert
  101. A date to the casino to learn a new game together

Saturday, October 5, 2013

101 Ways How to Become More Creative

1. Take a walk and look for something interesting.
2. Make metaphorical-analogical connections between that something interesting and your problem.
3. Open a dictionary and find a new word. Use it in a sentence.
4. Make a connection between the word and your problem.
5. How is an iceberg like an idea that might help you solve your problem?
6. Create the dumbest idea you can.
7. Ask a child.
8. Create a prayer asking for help with your problem.
9. What does the sky taste like?
10. Create an idea that will get you fired.
11. Read a different newspaper. If you read the Wall Street Journal, read the Washington Post.
12. What else is like the problem? What other ideas does it suggest?
13. What or who can you copy?
14. What is your most bizarre idea?
15. List all the things that bug you.
16. Take a different route to work.
17. Make up and sing a song about the problem while taking a shower.
18. Listen to a different radio station each day.
19. Ask the most creative person you know.
20. Ask the least creative person you know.
21. Make up new words that describe the problem. E.g., “Warm hugs” to describe a motivation problem and “Painted rain” to describe changing customer perceptions.
22. Doodle
23. What is the essence of the problem? Can you find parallel examples of the essence in other worlds?
24. Go for a drive with the windows open. Listen and smell as you drive.
25. Combine your ideas?
26. How can a bee help you solve the problem?
27. Write your ideas on index cards. One idea per card.
28. Give yourself an idea quota of 40 ideas.
29. What can you combine?
30. Can you substitute something?
31. Which of two objects, a salt shaker or a bottle of ketchup best represents your problem? Why?
32. What can you add?
33. What one word represents the problem?
34. Draw an abstract symbol that best represents the problem.
35. Think of a two-word book title that best represents the problem. E.g., if the problem concerns receptivity to change a suggested book title could be Involuntary Willingness.
36. Write a table of contents for a book about the problem.
37. Ask the person you like least for ideas.
38. What is the opposite of your idea?
39. Imagine your idea and its opposite existing simultaneously.
40. Daydream.
41. Draw abstract symbols to describe the problem.
42. Think out loud. Verbalize your thinking out loud about the problem.
43. List 20 ideas or thoughts into two columns of 10. Randomly connect ideas from column 1 to column 2. Combine the ideas to see what you get.
44. How would Abraham Lincoln approach the problem?
45. Write the alphabet backwards.
46. How would a college professor perceive it?
47. How would an artist perceive it? A risk-taking entrepreneur? A priest?
48. Imagine you are at a nudist beach in Tahiti. How could talking with nudists help you with the problem?
49. Can you find the ideas you need in the clouds?
50. Eat spaghetti with chopsticks.
51. Make the strange familiar.
52. Make the familiar strange.
53. What if you were the richest person on earth? How will the money help you solve the problem?
54. If you could have three wishes to help you solve the problem, what would they be?
55. Wear purple underwear for inspiration
56. Write a letter to your subconscious mind about the problem.
57. How would George Clooney solve the problem?
58. Forget the problem. Come back to it in three days.
59. Look at the problem from, at least, three different perspectives.
60. Imagine the problem is solved. Work backwards from the solution to where you are now.
61. How would the problem be solved 100 years from now.
62. Think about it before you go to sleep.
63. When you wake write down everything you can remember about your dreams. Next, try to make metaphorical-analogical connections between your dreams and the problem.
64. Imagine you are on national television. Explain your ideas on how to solve the problem.
65. What one object or thing best symbolizes the problem? Keep the object on your desk to constantly remind you about the problem.
66. List all the words that come to mind while thinking about the problem. Are there any themes? Interesting words? Surprises?
67. What if ants could help you solve the problem? What are the parallels between ants and humans that can help?
68. Create a walk that physically represents your problem.
69. Talk to a stranger.
70. Keep a written record of all your ideas. Review them weekly. Can you cross-fertilize your ideas?
71. How would an Olympic gold medal winner approach the problem?
72. Read a poem and relate it to the problem. What new thoughts does the poem inspire?
73. What associations can you make between your problem and an oil spill?
74. If your problem were a garden, what would be the weeds.
75. Change your daily routines. If you drink coffee, change to tea.
76. List your assumptions and then reverse them. Can you make the reversals into new ideas?
77. Make something that symbolizes the problem and bury it.
78. Draw the problem with your eyes closed.
79. Create a dance that represents your problem.
80. Mind map your problem.
81. Become a dreamer and create fantasies that will solve the problem.
82. Become a realist and imaginer your fantasies into workable ideas.
83. Complete “How can I _____?” Then change the words five different ways.
84. Suspend logic and think freely and fluidly.
85. Learn to tolerate ambiguity.
86. What have you learned from your failures? What have you discovered that you didn’t set out to discover?
87. Make connections between subjects in different domains. Banking + cars = drive in banking.
88. Immerse yourself in the problem. Imagine you are the problem. What would you feel?
89. What are the parallels between your problem and the Viet Nam war.
90. Hang out with people from diverse backgrounds.
91. Create a funny story out of the problem.
92. Make analogies between your problem and nature.
93. Imagine you are the opposite sex. Now how do you perceive the problem?
94. Force yourself to smile all day.
95. Use mashed potatoes to make a sculpture of the problem.
96. Sit outside and count the stars.
97. Walk through a grocery store and metaphorically connect what you see with the problem.
98. How would you explain the problem to a six year old child?
99. Cut out interesting magazine and newspaper pictures. Then arrange and paste them on a board making a collage that represents the problem.
100. Write a six word book that describes your progress on the problem. E.,g, "At present all thoughts are gray," “I am still not seeing everything.”
101. Still can’t find the answer? Buy a copy of Thinkertoys: A Handbook of 
Creative Thinking Techniques. 

- See more at:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

101 Ways To Make Ideas Happen

  1. Press send.
  2. Post it to Facebook.
  3. Post it to Twitter.
  4. Post it to Instagram.
  5. Send out an email blast.
  6. Add it to Pinterest.
  7. Turn off the TV.
  8. Quit second guessing yourself.
  9. Step out the front door. With your running shoes on.
  10. Say yes to something new.
  11. Say no to something old.
  12. Tell the world.
  13. Go.
  14. Set a timer for ten minutes, and just start.
  15. Make a list. Cross the low-priority stuff off.
  16. Prioritize life.
  17. Dream big. No. Bigger.
  18. Lean into discomfort.
  19. Create a challenge.
  20. Write a manifesto.
  21. Be ok with your flaws.
  22. Say yes to imperfection.
  23. Find beauty in the small things.
  24. Count your blessings.
  25. Change everything.
  26. Ask for help.
  27. Go ugly early.
  28. Take responsibility.
  29. Quit waiting around. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”
  30. Get over yourself.
  31. Be a cheerleader.
  32. Create a community.
  33. Share your knowledge.
  34. Design a logo, just for yourself. Even if you’re not a designer.
  35. Name your idea.
  36. Start a movement.
  37. Champion a cause.
  38. Whatever you do, be consistent about it.
  39. Quit looking at the competition.
  40. Appreciate everyone.
  41. Treat everyone equally, but know your boundaries.
  42. Quit being such a fraidy cat.
  43. Stop making excuses. (Yeah, they sound like excuses to me).
  44. Listen to those who have been granted the gift of wisdom.
  45. Build a support team.
  46. Reciprocate.
  47. See a therapist.
  48. Go to church.
  49. Give up the fear of rejection.
  50. Love.
  51. Reach out to someone new.
  52. Rest.
  53. Replace negative energy with positive action.
  54. Forgive.
  55. Move on.
  56. Ask for directions.
  57. Read the directions.
  58. Try.
  59. Try again.
  60. Affirm yourself.
  61. Know your strengths.
  62. Quit focusing on your weaknesses.
  63. Collaborate.
  64. Read everything you can get your paws on.
  65. Ask questions. Relentlessly.
  66. Quit caring about what other people think.
  67. Quit trying to get people to like you who obviously aren’t interested in liking you or hanging out with you.
  68. Follow the wild hairs, the new-fangled notions, and the white rabbits.
  69. Be real.
  70. Have courage.
  71. Love others who have the courage to be real, too. It takes major strength for them to step out there, especially if they are sharing their hearts.
  72. Make a wish.
  73. Put it out there.
  74. Fall down.
  75. Stand up.
  76. Dust yourself off.
  77. Hold your shoulders back. Remember, Cinderella had to walk into the ball alone.
  78. Deal with it.
  79. Know yourself.
  80. Believe you can.
  81. Trust your team.
  82. Seek inspiration. You’ll find it.
  83. Throw it out there. See if it sticks.
  84. Brainstorm.
  85. Make a list.
  86. Blog.
  87. Self-publish.
  88. Show up.
  89. Risk.
  90. Challenge the status quo.
  91. Reinvent.
  92. Upset the apple cart.
  93. Admit fault. It’s amazing how this openness can change people’s response to you.
  94. Say you’re sorry.
  95. Define your WHY.
  96. Hone your HOW.
  97. Keep moving. Slow down, or speed up, but don’t stop.
  98. Unplug.
  99. Pace yourself.
  100. Never, never, never give up.
  101. Repeat.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

101 Ways How To Get a Girl

101 Ways How To Get a Girl
So, you want tips? I got more tips than your body has room for right here. Here’s 101 ways how to get a girl…

Get some style
1. Get a decent haircut. One that suits you and makes you feel more comfortable.
2. Ensure your facial hair is under control, including eyebrows, beard, mustache, etc.
3. Wear clothes that fit you correctly. Everyone is a different size so make sure you buy clothes that fit you well and make the most of your physique.
4. Wear clothes that suit your style and are the correct colours. This will instantly make you more attractive to women.
5. Dress appropriately for your age. We all get older and therefore we need to adjust the style of clothes we are wearing.
6. Make sure you have a decent aftershave. How you smell is hugely important as it can cause huge attraction in women.
7. Wear something that makes you different. Don’t just follow the crowd and wear what everyone else does. If you wanna show off your personality then go for it.
8. However, don’t wear something stupidly ridiculous because 1: It ain’t cool & 2: It looks way too try hard.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

101 Ways To Improve Your Relationship Right Now

101 Ways To Improve Your Relationship Right Now

All relationships need a little pick-me-up sometimes—even the best ones. To that end, YourTango has compiled a list of 101 ways to reconnect with your significant other, right now. These actions will make your partner feel loved, appreciated and desired, and will, in turn, make you feel more connected to him/her. Whether you'd like to increase intimacy, find a thoughtful way to say "I love you," or just show your honey some gratitude, we're sure you'll find something useful in the list below.

And since the world (and our site!) is full of loving, creative souls, we hope you'll share with us, in the comments section below, the special ways you share love and strengthen your bond with your significant other. We hope you'll bookmark this page and refer back to it whenever you need relationship inspiration.